When & Where

Please use contact form if you’d like to join us.

We meet on Wednesdays 19:30 to 21:30 during term time. We do sometimes meet during half terms if we have an important gig coming up.

We offer a free taster session at the beginning of the Autumn & Winter/Spring term for new members. Please use the contact form – here.

Winter/Spring Term dates 2025                                                                                                                We are working towards a Fringe Festival show. The term runs up to the gig on Sat 10th May. There are 17 rehearsals Wed 8th Jan to Wed 7th May (no rehearsal Wed 16th April). 

Total Cost: £138/£120con (can be paid in instalments if required). Due 08.01.25
2 instalments: £69/£60con due 08.01.25 & 05.03.25
3 instalments: £46/£40con due 08.01.25, 12.02.25 & 26.03.25                                                          *concessions over 65’s, students, unemployed, UC or JSA.

We have a lovely venue just off Ditchling Road. The One Church, Florence Road, Brighton, BN1 6DL. In the winter months we meet in the back hall, which is properly heated. In the spring/summer months we meet in the main church.

Bus 26 or 46
Train station London Road or Preston Park.


Want to know more?

Just get in touch...

… and you can start singing.

You will be invited to a free taster session; there is no audition. We just ask for enthusiasm and a commitment to regular Wednesday evening rehearsals.

All music is learnt by ear (no reading required), and you will have access to online vocal guide tracks.

We look forward to meeting you.